"KEWE" (pronounced like the fruit) is the nickname that was given to Eric Leleo Keawekane when a childhood friend had difficulty pronouncing his Hawaiian last name. Both of his parents and both sets of grandparents were artistic. Eric's love of fine art has kept him versatile; painting, illustrating, shooting photography and sculpting as well. Eric embraces unique and culturally based inspiration (largely from his Hawaiian background and experiences), which resonates throughout his work, which includes both two and three-dimensional fine art and a diverse range of pieces from one of a kind Neo-Polynesian ceramic sculptures to surf and island scapes. Eric holds a BFA with an emphasis in drawing and painting, and Secondary Credentials in Art and CTE. Eric has nearly thirty years teaching people how to explore their own creative potential and in 2022 he received the OCMAA award for the outstanding secondary visual art educator for Orange County. He loves his work.